Melissa And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 1) Page 8
Each moment that passes is enjoyed to the fullest as I lay there strapped down with my legs drawn apart, breathing heavily; my heart beating almost out of my chest as Ricardo now begins to smack the outside of my legs with what I can only imagine is a kinky mallet. The swift cracking impact of the mallet on my firm thighs causes me at first to flinch but then to enjoy the frightening sensation. “Do you submit? Do you give yourself completely to me? Will you release your inner submissive indefinitely?” The mallet strikes my thigh again. “Once you submit, you will receive me. I will provide for you your desire and lust.” The mallet strikes again only this time now on my inner thigh. The urge to have his juicy thick penis inside me again is too strong, but I cannot give in to his sexual prowess. Once I submit, it will surely jeopardize my mission for he may completely own me and I will be forever at his sexual beckoning. I hear the mallet drop to the floor and Ricardo roughly unties my bonds from my hands and ankles. I am now flipped over to my front and re-attached to each bedpost. “You leave me no choice…” are the words from my potential master.
Duct tape is then placed over my mouth. I’ve never had this done to me before and it feels so sexy and evil! I feel his hands part my firm round buttocks as he spits on my ass. I have had anal before but never from such a well hung man. I anticipate what it is going to feel like as sure enough his tip begins to slowly but surely open up the tight rim. I feel it opening, stretching further and further as Ricardo now slides into my anal passage. I now let out a muffled moan, strained through grinded teeth as the thickness of his helmet tightly pushes through the confines of my anal passage. His juicy manliness is a relentless sexual force on a quest further and further inside me. At first it chaffs slightly as I feel every bump on his thick shaft pass through me. He squeezes my firm round black buttocks hard when he reaches the depths of my soul. I feel him so deeply embedded as he completely fills every available space in my anus before sliding out slowly like a slithery snake. Now I can feel myself lubricating as the second insertion is much smoother with his thick cock happily gliding beyond my ribbed entrance. Ricardo takes better position on top of me and I am now sandwiched between him and the bed, “Master will give you your desire. Do you submit?” A muffled moan is my response as his shaft inches forwards again. This time he holds the position and I feel him near my prostate; his vibrating meat comfortably in my warm inner space. “Do you submit?” My god I feel myself cumming again. He’s going to make me cum. Those words he whispers in my ear turn me on so much! It is so fucking naughty! I am now fighting every urge to nod ferociously but am losing. “Do you submit signora?” I let out a moan as his penis slides back out before gently entering again. This time I can no longer hold back as the penis passes a particular spot causing me to groan deeply. I nod graciously. “Do you submit??” Master asks. I continue to nod frantically. He tears away the duct tape from my lips, “Do you submit??” he bellows. “Yes sir! I submit,” I cry out. His penis now begins to fuck my anus as he thrusts repeatedly back and forth, spreading my moist rim. The full length of his shaft disappearing all the way inside and twirling back out. I can feel his muscular athletic frame against my back; the bumps of his pecs and six-pack moving with me as we become one entity. Master holds onto my wrists and begins to kiss my neck in a gracious act whilst below he continues to mercilessly pound away at my anal opening. I feel his length so deep within me along with the vascular surface brushing between my sensitive walls. I feel a connection with Ricardo that I had not experienced before. One of pure lust. The extreme submission to complete domination by my master; his energy and sex filled desire to fuck me good. I cannot control the continuous loud moaning and frantic gasping coming out from my mouth. I want master to chain me up forever and to feed me lust on a daily basis. The magnificent smooth cylinder that is his penis is going to make me climax any moment as it continues to slide happily through my ass. I can now hear master himself groaning as my orgasm reaches the depths of my soul; hitting every single nerve along the way through my stomach and then to my chest; before shooting out of my wide open mouth as I give an almighty wail of pleasure and dig my nails into the straps holding me prisoner.
I want master to cum inside me, to own me; to leave his mark. “Do you want me?” he asks. “Yes sir, cum in my ass,” I reply in between my hapless gasping. He gladly quickens his thrusts, pounding my ass until he firmly holds himself inside me; completing my submission as he drains his juice. Upon sliding out I hear the flop of his soft thick penis. Master removes my blindfold and releases me from my bonds to which I raise my knees to let his seamen run out from me and onto the wet bed sheets. Yes, I have now been dominated by billionaire Ricardo Alvez. The man I’m supposed to kill. I roll over onto my back and begin to wipe the sweat from my double D breasts. Master lies alongside and grabs his limp penis to which I lean down and lick it clean of our juices; it tastes so warm and salty. We both lay exhausted in each other’s sweat; a testament to our act of sinful lust.
Master strokes my hair, “You are an amazing submissive Mia. Aren’t you pleased you didn’t kill me?” I stop and look up at his smiling face; smiling that Hollywood smile. “Oh c’mon, I’m not that bad person am I? The senator really needs to know how to pick his enemies.” I release his penis, “You know I can still kill you, the night isn’t over.” Master reaches over and cups one of my breasts, “You will not kill your master senora.” He was right. I have been dominated in this game of lust played on the battlefield of desire. My inner submissive rose to the occasion and I am now his total sex slave. As for how he knew that he was going to be assassinated here tonight still remains a mystery to me. Someone must have leaked the information to him. He knew who I was all along; he lured me to the salsa bar where he waited for me to reveal myself. Once I did, he brought me back to his home for complete sexual domination. If I had only known what was going to happen, I may have made a few different decisions… then again, maybe not, “There is a syringe of cyanide on the couch. Make sure to tell the cleaning lady otherwise you will have a murder on your hands.” I get up from the bed and walk towards the door before turning around, “You won this time Mr. Alvez… I may be back. I hope you are up to the task…for your sake.” His muscular body doesn’t move from its strewn position, “Well, you know where to find me.” I leave master on the bed and go back into the lounge and put on my panties. The couch is a few yards away from me and I think of the backlash I’m going to receive for failure to complete my assignment. No doubt I may end up on Senator Robert’s growing list of targets and will have to disappear myself for a little while.
My home on the Ivory Coast is going to be the first place people are going to come looking for me; maybe South America will be the safest bet. I look down at my torn dress on the floor when Ricardo appears from the room, “You know you won’t be safe now. I think it will be best if you stay with me a while, Senator Robert’s won’t let you remain breathing after knowing he sanctioned a hit against me that failed to be carries out. Why don’t you leave all of that behind and come to work for me?” I pick up the dress and shoes, “Doing what?” He laughs and brushes his black hair back, “nothing.” And with that he turns around walking back into the room. I look at his firm ass disappearing back through the door before glancing out the window at the New York skyline. Dropping the dress and shoes to the floor, I make my way back into the bedroom. What the hell? A life of luxury in Colombia sounds like fun. Especially with my new master around to keep me company! “What were the strawberries and cream for?” I ask; walking into the bedroom and closing the door behind me…
WHY HE Abandons
1. Island Hopping
Colombian alpha-male Ricardo Alvez, has his sights set on running his late father’s international textile corporation. A dominating billionaire playboy; he’s determined to prevent rival corporations and greedy governments from pulling the family business apart. Although not possessing the best business savvy in the world, he does possess an incredible n
atural aura of emitting his own Latino sexual heat. Ricardo is determined to use this blessed God-given ability to his advantage with the sole intention of eliminating any emerging threats through full-on domineering sex.
Weddings should by all rights be a complicated affair. No matter how much money one has, it is the same old worries that seem to overshadow much of the exciting build up leading up to the occasion. I am Rachel Muller, the fiancé to Peter Alvez. He is dashingly handsome, rich and charming. What more could a lady ask for? In addition to these traits he also has a wonderful family. In fact, today my brother in law Ricardo has offered to take me on a tour of some of the islands off the Florida Keys. They are absolutely gorgeous, I hear, and will be the perfect setting for my fabulous wedding next year. Obviously, I would like to see them before making such an important decision and since Ricardo is in the area, it is the perfect time to take advantage of the opportunity. Peter on the other hand, has had to go to Paris on some urgent business and will be gone for the best part of a week. A private yacht and my delightful brother in law for company should be quite an exciting day.
“Rachel! How lovely to see you! I’m so happy that we are going to be taking this trip today.” Ricardo bellows whilst welcoming me onto his yacht.
“Hi bro, thanks for doing this. I have been dreaming about it all week. I can at least cross this off my list after today.” I say as he takes the wheel and fires up the engine.
“Ricardo Alvez at your service, “he replies. I look out over the waters and I can faintly see the outline of the islands off in the far distance. There is a slight breeze, but the sun is beating down with a vengeance on this hot July day. Hopping from island to island should be a piece of cake as they are all so closely bunched together. The first one – Tristan Val Verde – we reach after only 20 minutes or so.
It is a desolate untouched tropical paradise. Ricardo helps me off the yacht and we walk together bare footed on the beach. The sand is white and the palm trees are set back off of the beach about 20 meters or so. It looks just like a travel agency’s advertisement brochure. It’s just perfect.
“Okay, I love this one, let’s move onto the next.” I remark, and we make our way back across the beach to the awaiting yacht.
“Is there anybody here?” I ask. Ricardo turns to me and smiles, “Sometimes, it is usually used for film locations and promoted beach parties. Next month there will be a lot of people here, “he explains. Ricardo helps me back up onto the yacht and he goes over to the console. I look out at the calm sea for a few moments before realizing we are not moving. Ricardo is cursing and pressing the ignition button repeatedly, “Puto!”
“What’s wrong?” I ask. He turns to me, “Nothing, I’m going to check the engine.” Great, don’t tell me we’re going to be stuck here! I think to myself as I watch him disappear down below, where he remains for the next 15 minutes before emerging once again, “Ok, we have a problem. Somebody has tampered with the engine. It won’t start!”
“Tampered? What we going to do? Are we stranded out here Rick?” I ask with an obvious panic in my voice. I look down at my cell phone to see no signal.
“Don’t worry, I’m expected back this evening, When I don’t show people will locate the yacht. It is fitted with GPS, “he explains. It doesn’t do too much to reassure me, but at least people can locate where we are. The question is, how long it’s going to take them to locate us once they do start looking?
“I’ll bring some of the food down from the cabin and we can rest over on the island and eat,” he says and makes his way down below. I’m pleased Ricardo is with me. At least somebody is here and I am not stranded by myself! I take one last look out towards the sea before following Ricardo off the yacht and onto the beach. We make our way to the line of palm trees and find a small clearing.
The rest of the day is passed soaking up the sun and speaking about the upcoming wedding. I tell him a few stories about Peter as we eat the food he brought from the yacht. After a few hours or so, the sun begins to set and Ricardo brings some sticks over to make a fire.
“You know what you’re doing?” I laugh. “Of course, when I studied in New Hampshire there was a lot of survival outings,” he shoots a dashing smile towards me. Ricardo is wearing a tight vest that shows off his bulging muscles and a pair of bright yellow shorts. It would be a lie to say he doesn’t look sexy. As darkness begins to appear the fire is successfully lit and helps us see our immediate surroundings.
“Are we safe Rick?” I ask.
“Absolutely signora, I won’t let anything happen to my sister in law. Firstly, your fiancé would kill me and secondly, you are much too beautiful to be harmed.” Upon him saying this I suddenly realize the suggestive clothing I am in – a pair of white tracksuit bottoms and a short tee-shirt. Ricardo takes off his top and the silhouette of the fire seem to wave around on his bare rippling stomach. This is awkward. He is surely a great looking guy and I have gotten used to him by now. I just haven’t ever been in a situation like this with anyone alone before. “What’s the plan for tomorrow? I take it your PA will just track the GPS on your yacht?”
Ricardo places his tee shirt on a nearby trunk and leans back – with only his shorts now on his body, “Of course Rachel, I don’t plan on spending the rest of the week here.” He catches my eyes staring down at his body.
Although it was absolutely scorching throughout the day, it is starting to get a bit chilly now since the sun has set. A slight breeze shoots up my back making me shudder. Ricardo notices this, “You cold??”
What am I going to say? I know if I say yes he will come closer to me. “Yes, freezing” I reply. It is a stupid move but for some reason, I don’t really care out here in the wild. Nobody is around and for all I know there could be a wild beast on this island with plans of having me for supper any moment now. It will be better spending time with Ricardo’s beast which will surely be friendlier. Just as I expected, Ricardo gets up and walks over to my side of the fire before sitting beside me.
“I’m not ready,” I say and pull my straight blonde hair back. The movement raises my breasts; I’m not wearing a bra. He places his big firm hands on my waist and leans his face closer to mine. He looks so tasty and smells delightful. I part my lips and immediately allow his tongue to slide happily into my mouth. A wave of violent excitement shudders through me; I almost faint as I reach down and feel his big hard cock through the thin material of his shorts. This is so naughty and sinful. Our lust for each other is taking over our actions as the sound of smooching lips now accompany the flickering pops of the burning fire. Any feeling of cold is now gone as his body heat begins to transfer itself to me.
He reaches underneath my top and cups my supple breast, squeezing it ever so gently. I let out a distinct short moan of pleasure, reveling in the sensation of his hand surface massaging my sensitive nipple. I raise my arms and allow Ricardo to remove the tee-shirt now completely exposing two hanging breasts. His head ventures downward and begins to suck hard on the ripe nipple like it is a perfect summer fruit. A piercing sensation shoots upwards through my chest and I press his head close to me as he continues to suck like a starved lover. I need to raise my head as the euphoric sensation is beginning to electrify my senses. My mouth is wide open and eyes firmly shut as my breathing becomes quicker and more labored. I groan deeply with the feeling of his finger sliding down to my sensitive vagina. He efficiently locates my sensitive lips which are now beginning to pool gladly with the sense of his touch. Ricardo’s finger firmly slips into the hole, twirling around the full circumference of the rim before venturing deeper between the ribbed wet walls. I allow him to place me on my back and gladly part both smooth legs giving him the green light to accept him completely. He pulls down his shorts and climbs on top, preparing to mount me. We stare into each other’s eyes; the flickering of the fire reflecting the passion we now feel for each other. His helmet prods at my entrance and I gasp, “Gently, fuck me gently.”
It slides in like the per
fect strong pipe that it is. I feel the thickness and juiciness of his tool rubbing past my ribbed clit and further inside me. Even though it is incredibly thick, his penis seems to have a soothing strength that rings every nerve it passes.
“Ahhh… you’re so big.” I murmur.
He is now kissing my neck and is repeatedly inserting the thick shaft through my wet hole as I wrap both my long smooth legs around him. The feeling of his muscular body pressed tightly against mine; his lips locked and holding my mouth hostage; his big strong arms holding mine firmly to the ground, as I feel as though I am beginning to cum. I can see the silhouette of my feet moving back and forth in the air above us as he continues his steady pace of pumping me rigorously,
“Quicker, harder, fuck me harder,” I cry out. The feeling taking hold of my body is now shaking my bones whilst at the same time disabling every muscle in my body. Ricardo now increases the strength of his inward thrust causing my squashed buttocks to ram into his pelvic area.
“Faster I’m going to cum, fuck me faster.” I cry.
He adopts a press-up position above me and now begins to quickly pound my vagina as I feel his bulging penis repeatedly brush my clitoris. I am homed in to an almighty orgasm now and can sense it creeping forever closer. Anyone else on the island will surely be able to hear me as my voice is now so high pitched and wailing as it portrays my immense pleasure. I cannot talk now but only groan as he continues to relentlessly pound away. Just like one turns on a tap for running water, my orgasm erupts like a volcano and washes euphoria all the way through my body. My legs are shaking like crazy and Ricardo himself cums inside me, now holding his driven penis deep inside me after one final plunge. We lay there for a moment as I gladly accept his semen; feeling it trickle down his thick long pipe towards the outer entrance.